Hey Patricia Laverty here
It’s really interesting where our mindset goes when we get distracted from what we originally intended our path to be. For example you may be wanting to create an amazing business where you want to help people and of course increase your wealth but something tends to kick us off your path.
So what I mean is that you set up your intention of creating a business, you start to put things in place, you start to travel along that pathway and something pops up that you feel might be a good idea for you to take on – BUT it turns out to be a distraction from your original path.
Now what has happened is you’ve taken yourself away from your “heat seeking missile” journey and diverted it over to something else! But after a time, that could be weeks or months, you now have to bring yourself back to the path to your original goal and then make up the ground you lost – and then catch up to where you intended to be in the first place!!!
Does this sound familiar to you? How many times have you had a brilliant idea, implemented it, spent money on it, and put effort into it, only to divert your path to something else within a short space of time?
And I ask you – “How many times have you repeated this?” Horrible question right?
This is costing you time, money and energy. That energy you are spending on to-ing and fro-ing will wear you down faster than
One of the things I love to do is help people create their own business and generate revenue to do the things they really love to do. Whilst staying focussed on their goal!
Wouldn’t it be great if you could set your intention to benefit from a better life, benefit from a healthier life, benefit from a more profitable life and live each day in a happy productive and rewarding way?
All it takes is one action; one step; one movement forward….
I look forward to seeing you either on a one:one coaching session, over on Youtube, on Facebook or Instagram…
It’s time to value your worth, your time, your energy and your health.
With Love and Gratitude