Finding Success in the Health Niche

Finding Success in the Health Niche In today’s digital age, the health and wellness niche represents a vast and continually expanding market. As individuals seek reliable information and solutions to improve their well-being, the opportunities for a successful...

What is the trick to losing weight fast?

Hey Patricia Laverty here and Welcome What is the trick to losing weight fast? I’ve often been asked that question – What is the trick to losing weight fast? And I have to tell you my answer can be varied.  Yes there is a trick. And yes you can lose weight fast....

Avoid being distracted from your goal

Hey Patricia Laverty here It’s really interesting where our mindset goes when we get distracted from what we originally intended our path to be. For example you may be wanting to create an amazing business where you want to help people and of course increase your...

You Don’t Need to Love What You Do To Be Successful!

We’ve always been told to find something that we’re passionate about and go after it so that we can be successful. Whenever you speak to an older styled coach, their first question would be “Well what are you passionate about”; What do you like to do; Are...

Why Can’t I Stay Motivated

I get asked this question a lot “Why can’t I stay motivated? A lot of people come to me because they want to make a lot of money with their business but one thing seems to be standing in their way and that is staying motivated? Why Can’t I Stay Motivated They...

What does addiction actually mean

Now I’m sure you’ve been watching my videos lately when I’m talking about addiction. I’ve been getting questions around the topic of what does addiction actually mean? So I thought I’d be clear on the topic of what does addiction actually..., pub-2887692655992162, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0