How Do I Get Rid of a Bad Habit

A lot of people develop bad habits throughout their lifetime and they don’t know how to change them or get rid of them. Some bad habits are staying unmotivated; boredom and heading for the fridge; over indulging in food or alcohol; leaving tasks incomplete;  not...

How to Lose Unwanted Weight

How To lose Unwanted Weight. I’m sure you’ve been following along with my videos on my weight loss journey and how you can achieve the same thing for yourself. Now whether it is the fight with the scary tape measure that you are having right now or whether...

Lost 23 Kilos Without Dieting

How I lost 23 kilos without dieting? You know people don’t believe me when I tell them I used to be 23 kilos heavier than I am now.  But I was. And…. There are no photos available because I was so ashamed of how Looked; my clothes clung to me and of course made me...

Why am I Not Succeeding?

I have a question for you? Why is it that some people are so successful in business and some people, no matter how hard the try, they can never seem to be quite as successful as people around them. Is it about how intelligent you are?  Is it about the level of...

Stop Breaking Your Weight Loss Promises

So How do you Stop Breaking Your Weight Loss Promises? As the holiday season approaches and all of those lovely goodies are being stocked up in the supermarkets ready for you to eat….. the thought must be looming in your mind “gosh I haven’t lost the weight I wanted...

What Food Do You Find Hardest to Resist?

So I have a question for you: What Food Do You Find Hardest to Resist? I’m sure you have seen my Addition to Chocolate Bullets video.  Yes I was absolutely addicted to them.  I was eating one packet a day and started opening the second packet.  I could not resist them..., pub-2887692655992162, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0