A lot of people develop bad habits throughout their lifetime and they don’t know how to change them or get rid of them.
Some bad habits are staying unmotivated; boredom and heading for the fridge; over indulging in food or alcohol; leaving tasks incomplete; not exercising; not moving your body; leaving things till the last minute; always running late just to name a few.
The First Session is on me Completely FREE
Some clients come to me with the question “how do I get rid of a bad habit?” So my initial answer to that would be if you got rid of the bad habit then you would leave a hole or a void and it to be quickly filled with another bad habit.
So I prefer to use the language that describes creating a better habit; creating a new habit; creating a sustainable habit; creating a healthy habit; creating a wealthy habit; but it’s about creating something different.
The universe hates a void so rather ran creating a void or a huge empty space of not knowing what to do next – it’s best to create a new healthier habit.
So if you have a habit of not exercising and sleeping in you’re actually wasting a lot of valuable time. This has the knock on effect of a slower metabolism; feeling sluggish and not feeling motivated at all; in fact it takes you another couple of hours to actually get going in your day. So not only have you wasted an extra 2 hours in bed and made your body feel sluggish but you’ve put yourself behind by another two or three hours in your productive day.
When you replace an unhealthy habit with a new healthy habit the transition is far easier than just stopping something.
Your nervous system gets a far better chance at succeeding if it is bringing on a new healthy habit and eking out the old unhealthy habit than if you just ripped it out from under you.
So let’s take sleeping in in the morning; and replacing it with 30 minutes of walking in the fresh air which will wake you up; strengthen your body and your nervous system and it actually activates your brain, increases your intelligence and brings you far more ideas and motivation.
By the time you come back from your 30 minute walk you’re awake; your whole system has woken up; your brain is active and you actually feeling fantastic. Shower change and you’re ready for your day.
A similar method can be used for overeating. Your body is so used to putting food in your mouth and filling your stomach that you actually don’t know when to stop. And when you try to starve yourself or stop at half a potato your body goes into terror because it’s used to being stuffed full of a whole potato.
Your stomach is so stretched that it is craving to be filled with that extra mouthful, that extra bite, that extra piece, that extra potato, that extra piece of meat. This then makes you feel guilty and it slows down your entire metabolism, making you feel sluggish; and we’re back to square one again.
A great way to introduce a better eating pattern would be to eat slowly; yes I know we’ve heard that all before but it is one of the most powerful methods you can use. Eating slowly gives your body a chance to receive the signals from your brain that it is getting full. Once you feel that sensation in your stomach that it is starting to get full that’s when you stop – do not put one more mouthful in.
Your stomach will get used to the lesser amount of food and it will actually start to shrink hence you will eat less – simple right?
that is one of the methods that I used to lose my 23 plus kilos fast.
so be kind to yourself and don’t put your body into shock by trying to stop one thing and start another thing. You need help to move from an old habit into a new habit and you need to be supported as the new habit takes place over several weeks.
I encourage you to be kind to yourself remember to acknowledge yourself as you transition into your new habit.
Getting help to understand “How Do I Get Rid of a Bad Habit” is but one click away. Please use the link provided – and remember the First session is on me – Completely FREE – so there is no excuse.
go to: www.yourbusinesswithspirit.com/SETMEFREE
So please go ahead now and use the link provided and I’ll see you for a completely confidential chat.
This is Patricia Laverty Signing off
With Love and Gratitude
Have an amazing day
And I look forward to seeing you on our call.