How To lose Unwanted Weight. I’m sure you’ve been following along with my videos on my weight loss journey and how you can achieve the same thing for yourself.

Now whether it is the fight with the scary tape measure that you are having right now or whether it is your motivation about getting some exercise and movement throughout your day then I’ve got plenty of help for you.

I really wanted to know how to lose unwanted weight. So when I first started on my weight loss journey it was an extremely difficult one because my mindset was in the wrong place; so no matter what I tried to do my body weight was not going to shift no matter what I did.

I wouldn’t even go out for a walk or do any exercise even though I am actually quite a physical person. But something was sticking in my mind and no matter what I wasn’t going to put on those runners and go for a walk. And trying to get me to drink even one glass of water was horrific!

At that time I had a beautiful German shepherd so I decided that it wasn’t me who needed the exercise but my beautiful Dog Greta.  So I decided that every day I would take HER down to the park walk around the Oval and let HER have a run and then walk back home. This took me only about 20-30 minutes each day.

Now the beauty of that was the walk was all about Greta and not about me RIGHT?. But as you can see it actually really was about me, by shifting the focus, I then had no excuse for going outside.  I had to go out and take her for a walk because she was the one that needed it – not me!  This took the pressure completely off of my mindset and that’s when the change started to happen.  After a few weeks of walking Greta, I actually began to look forward to my walks and that started to move my stubborn mindset inch by inch by inch …..

Today I walk every day and absolutely love it.  I’ve never been a runner but I do love my walks.  It sets me up for the day.

Headset on; runners on; and away I go.  And the bonus I get from walking every morning is that my brain wakes up and starts to give me the best ideas; the best methods; the best feelings to set me up for my day.

I currently teach people how to lose unwanted weight. I’m dedicated to helping people move that unwanted weight and begin to like themselves again.

Go to and if you haven’t done so already please go ahead and CHOOSE the button that says “Weight Loss Without Dieting” and we can have a confidential chat so I can let you all about how you too can shed your unwanted weight FAST and FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF – Just like I did!

This is Patricia Laverty Signing off

Have an amazing day
And I look forward to seeing you on our call.

With Love and Gratitude
Patricia Laverty

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