Using Blocks in WordPress, Love them or Hate Them?
Prior to WordPress 5.0, the Classic Editor was the way WordPress allowed you to create your blog posts.
But then WordPress introduced Blocks as their new way to handle pages and posts – now you either got completely bamboozled or you’ve taken to them like a duck to water.
Most of my clients found them a challenge initially and preferred using their old familiar friend – the Classic Editor. They just needed a little breathing space to get familiar with the Block Editor.
Also, I received a lot of calls with the questions “What has happened to my Website?” “My Blog Posts are now in a box!”, “How Do I get rid of these block things?”
The Block editor focuses mainly on your content and this is your website’s greatest strength. It is claimed that the WordPress Block Editor allows users to create interactive and custom templates that can easily be updated. Users can experience an easier way to create rich content in posts and pages with this new system of visual content blocks. Or, it begs the question – is it easier?
The default blocks include a variety of options to help create and publish your content to your WordPress site.
Current default blocks included with the editor:
- Audio
- Button
- Categories
- Code
- Columns
- Cover Image
- Embeds
- File
- Gallery
- Heading
- Image
- Latest Posts
- List
- Paragraph
- Pullquote
- Quote
- Read more
- Separator
- Spacer
The block library also includes pre-made blocks that help you manage particular content such as embedded videos, content, and galleries.
Yes, Image blocks that are included in the default blocks library can be customized. You may like to show an image in a wide format or full-width format as long as your WordPress theme will allow for it.
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Blocks can replace functions previously provided by added plugins, such as creating a slideshow, and they can blend with any theme. The number of blocks allowable for you to use is not limited; they can be moved, copied and edited.
So, if Blocks are such a great idea, why are so many people scared of them, or unwilling to use them.
Well for starters waking up to their Webpage’s backend looking completely different; feeling forced into a corner and having to learn a new system right away can put unwanted pressure on the WordPress user. The feeling of “Oh my gosh, what am I going to do?” isn’t a feeling that’s welcomed as you sit down with your cuppa ready to belt out your next blog post.
Most people are trying to create their website and get on with their day to day jobs and businesses. Feeling the pressure to ‘learn something new’ on the spot can make you want to throw in the towel or just ‘put it off until another day’ and we all know what that will cause – yep procrastination – the killer of time and dreams.
Weren’t we happy with the previous Classic Editor? Can’t we just have that available until we’re ready to learn the new Block Editor…. Please?
Well the answer is yes you can!
Although the Block Editor seems like the way to go and has some powerful and wonderful features, perhaps using the Classic Editor for a while longer is the way to go. That feeling of not ‘having to right now’ will take the stress away on the spot – won’t it? You bet it will !
I do encourage you to set aside some time to investigate the Block Editor at your leisure, but meanwhile you can continue to use the Classic Editor and belt out your amazing pages and posts like a champion.
- Simply go to your plugins and add a new plugin
- Search for Classic Editor
- Install and Activate
- And voila – you are back to that old familiar place – the Classic Editor
- Here is a Training Video to help you
Until next time,
Never Give Up Until The Miracle Happens
Awesome post Patricia
On the money
Thanks Alwyn, I have a few more snippets coming out shortly too. You keep up the good work too with your new website – you are really kicking goals … Patricia