Obstacle patricia lavertyWhat Are The Obstacles That Stop You From Achieving Your Goals?

What are the goals you have set for yourself?

You make a decision that today is the day that everything must change and improve – you have discovered that you have much bigger and better plans for your future.

Okay, you have decided that you want to achieve something amazing right?  This is where the journey begins.

You feel inspired and energetic as you imagine, in your mind, your goal and exactly how you want it to look. But, at the moment, this is where resides – in your mind.

To achieve your newfound target then the picture you have created in your mind needs to be put into action otherwise it remains a figment of your imagination.

So, you now set about and create your tasks, achievable milestones and exactly how you are going to go about realising your new idea – your goal.


And yes there is a but….. you start to bump into obstacles.  These obstacles can be new ones that you’ve not seen before, or they can be persistent obstacles that you’ve bumped into before again and again throughout your life – you know the ones I mean – you’ve been there before and they continually come up especially when you are nudged out of your comfort zone.

Some obstacles can be:

  • I don’t have enough money
  • I don’t have enough time
  • I don’t have enough experience
  • Who would want to hear what I have to say anyway?
  • I’m not great with technology
  • I’m not ready
  • It’s not the right time
  • I’m not good enough
  • I’m too old/young
  • It’s too hard
  • People will laugh at me

Are any of those obstacles ringing a bell for you?

But one of the big ones is if you have a coach or mentor on your side. Coaches and Mentor have already been through and overcome objections and obstacles to achieve their own goals, and now they are trying to help you overcome your obstacles.  But because you are confronted by those recurring doubts, you use the excuse/s like:

  • I’m too scared
  • My Mentor is pushing me more than I want
  • My Mentor is pushing me out of my comfort zone
  • My mentor doesn’t realise what I’ve been through in life
  • It’s easy for them….. but they don’t understand me….

The Gift of an obstacle
An Obstacle illuminates your path to success
Patricia Laverty

The reason obstacles appear are to prompt you that it’s time to become stronger in that particular area.

Be BraveLike an athlete – if they want to win the 400 metre sprint race and beat the champion, then they need to train hard. 

Overcoming sore muscles, stiffness, even injury – they need to dig deep and overcome all obstacles in their way. 

When they see their day as being a tough one, they reach deep into themselves and find that extra bit of strength, awareness, determination to push forward to that next step.

And if they don’t, then they will remain behind the pack, behind their target, behind their goal, behind the champion, for another day and another week, and another month, and another year…. And ooops what just happened – where did that time go?

If you are able to figure out how to successfully work your way around,
through or over those obstacles that’s when an improbable goal becomes
a deep-rooted part of your reality and
guess what – you achieve the goal, you win !

Take a moment to identify if any of these obstacles are stopping you from getting what you want out of life.

What personal obstacles do I typically succumb to?

How long has this obstacle been in my life?

What is it that triggers my obstacle?

How do I usually handle my obstacle?
(hide, read, eat, drink, brings me to a stop, break through it….)

How does my action / inaction affect my life?

How is this obstacle preventing me from achieving my goals?

How can I begin clearing away my obstacles and removing it from my path?

What will happen in my life if I continue to allow my obstacle to control my decisions?

What steps could you take to resolve and remove this recurring obstacle?

What would you like to see continue to happen from now on?

As you are working through these questions, jot down how your mindset is.  When you do this you will see a pattern emerging of how you are thinking, feeling and acting and this will be a powerful tool to help you move forward to achieve your success.

Here’s a couple of quick tips on overcoming obstacles and achieving your goals:

  • Keep things simple
  • Take responsibility
  • Don’t dwell on the negative
  • Concentrate on the positive
  • Create achievable goals
  • Never give up

We all have our challenges in life but it is how we decide to view those challenges that matters. These challenges become opportunities and how you handle them will determine if you are moving further away from your goals or stronger towards your goal. 

You get to decide – Are you going to shrink away from that opportunity or are you going to be that elite athlete in business who sees that obstacle illuminating your path to success and creating an amazing opportunity for you?

With Love and Gratitude


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