Now I’m sure you’ve been watching my videos lately when I’m talking about addiction. I’ve been getting questions around the topic of what does addiction actually mean?

So I thought I’d be clear on the topic of what does addiction actually mean so that you can understand the power of it and how it pretty much controls your life.

And remember the first session is completely FREE – so go ahead and use the link now:

According to the dictionary-  addiction means

“the act or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity”.

Addiction doesn’t just mean substance addiction; it doesn’t just mean that you use hard drugs; it doesn’t just mean that you’re smoking marijuana every 5 minutes; it doesn’t only mean that you’re popping pills every 5 minutes it’s not all about substance abuse.

Addiction ranges farther than that and it controls your life if you allow it to happen.

So things that you could be addicted to that inhibit your lifestyle are overeating, over indulging in alcohol, nail biting, guzzling soft drink, smoking, vapouring and substance abuse just to name a few.

These addictions will assist you in living a shorter life, making foggy decisions, stop you from increasing your wealth; and most likely lose you some of your friends.

But there are other addictions that could work in your favour such as going to the gym, walking, eating healthily, fresh air and water.

These more healthy choices will assist you in a healthier lifestyle, your clothes will smell amazing; you will look amazing; you will feel amazing; you will have more energy and your most likely be much more pleasant to be around right??

The people who come to see me about ‘their addiction’ actually turn their lives around right in that session. They leave with a renewed vigour and a plan for their lives…. Yep I’ve even seen my clients skip after they realise just how easy it is to rid themselves of their addiction and create a fantastic, rewarding future for themselves.

If you’d like to know more – please use the link below for a completely confidential chat and let’s see how you too can create an amazing future for yourself and actually rid yourself of your limiting addiction.  Your freedom is but one click away….

Use the link provided and I’ll see you really soon.

This is Patricia Laverty Signing off

Have an amazing day

And I look forward to seeing you on our call.

With Love and Gratitude

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