I get asked this question a lot “Why can’t I stay motivated?

A lot of people come to me because they want to make a lot of money with their business but one thing seems to be standing in their way and that is staying motivated?

Why Can’t I Stay Motivated

They seem to start off well, they have goals in mind and they have a great business model but as each day goes along and tiredness sets in or distraction sets in or the weather sets in then the motivation starts to decline until is comes to a raging stop.

So why is motivation important well firstly it provides you with your goals that you can work towards. Motivation also helps you solve whatever problems turn up in your day, month and year and yes problems will arrive and problems need to be solved.

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Having goals also helps you change old habits. Those old habits of “well I’d rather eat than go out and promote my product; or I’d rather watch my favourite shows on the TV just for now BUT I’ll get going later on today.  And that my friend is the fast road to demotivation and creating a severe bad habit that will not serve you one bit.

Staying motivated allows you to cope with challenges and greet new opportunities when they do arrive on your doorstep.  When you do come across that amazing opportunity and you are actually motivated for it – that’s how you become successful.

So here are some tips to get yourself motivated Are you ready

  1. Everyday set yourself one specific achievable goal. That’s a goal that you know that you CAN achieve. And this will set you up into a new successful habit.
  2. How do you speak to yourself about yourself? Are you speaking to yourself in a demeaning punishing manner with harsh words and blaming yourself? Or are you speaking to yourself kindly with motivational words and encouraging words?
  3. Staying focused is another important point to ensure your day becomes a successful one. Using your calendar or your diary or a to-do list and checking it off throughout the day will help keep you on track and focused on each task. By the end of the day you will have them happily completed.
  4. Educate yourself. Are you continuing your education on specific areas that you know you want to improve on? How are you at financials, how are you at delegating, how are you at promoting your business? Do you need some help? Do you need some coaching? Find a mentor for each of those areas and day by day your brain will accept the new education and you will become better, smarter and happier about coping with any problems and opportunities coming your way.
  5. Stay on track. if you become diverted from your target goal then I suggest that you organise a trigger that you can recognise when you are about to go off track. Now that trigger could be “I’m just going to sit down and turn the TV on for 10 minutes”; a trigger could be “you continually go and make another cup of coffee” …. This is called avoidance and it’s very common and it is one of the common causes of diverting us from our goals.
  6. Set breaks throughout your day so that you do have a rest you do have your cuppa. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy food. If there’s one thing that brings you down fast it is heavy stodgy food. That will weigh you down and make you feel far more tired than you really are. So plenty of water, healthy food and regular breaks throughout your day will help you stay motivated.
  7. Acknowledging yourself. This is the one big mistake that humans make daily. So I encourage you that after you have completed a task, after you have reached a goal, after you have reached a milestone, after you have completed your morning, after you’ve completed your afternoon and after you’ve completed your evening, you deserve to acknowledge yourself for a job well done. You need to acknowledge yourself for your commitment, your enthusiasm, and your success.

Positive self talk is one of the most powerful motivators you can use for your motivation and your health.  I encourage to embrace Positive Self talk and keep moving forward with your day, staying motivated and successful.

I look forward to seeing you online; in a one:one coaching session; over on Youtube or Facebook…. Or in person really soon.

This is Patricia Laverty Signing off

With Love and Gratitude

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